Hello and Welcome!

This is your soft place to land on the internet.
This website is created for Women to visit and maybe stay awhile. A place to find validation that You are Enough.


What does it mean to be the Light of your own Life?

It means that You are Enough, You are Loved and You Deserve to be Happy.

It means that you do not have to wait to hear someone tell you that you are the Light of their Life because you already deeply know that You are the Light of your own Life. You were born worthy of all the love and happiness that your heart can hold.

Love is the most powerful force in the universe. It is the single most influential factor in living a successful and fulfilling life. Love leads the way. Love can bring you peace and joy. Love is the answer.

Love exists in all kinds of forms which enhances our lives. It is important to know, however, that the most fundamental kind of love is the love we have for ourselves. Without loving yourself as the anchor in your life, you will not experience other forms of love as profoundly. It is like there is a filter on that prevents full glorious colour to shine.

Loving oneself encompasses having good self esteem, having self worth, respecting ourselves and valuing ourselves. Self love is crucial to our personal happiness.

You already know that no one is intrinsically better than anyone else. No one is less than another. When we love ourselves, we are not being arrogant, conceited, narcissistic or self-absorbed. We just possess the simple, quiet knowledge that we are a worthy and lovable human being.

Resist the urge to downplay the importance of loving ourselves. It is the key that unlocks all the possibilities of living your greatest life. For if we suffer a lack of love for ourselves, we will not believe in ourselves nor be able to build the fortitude necessary to strive for and reach our dreams.

In my blog posts, I share strategies and lessons I have learned along the way to help other women as they travel their own path in life. As women, we face universal challenges. In sharing how I confronted the obstacles in my life and how I overcame them, I hope I can help other women facing a similar circumstance.

Photo by Warren Barbour
Writer Photo by Warren Barbour

Dear Friend,

I’m glad you’re here.

I created this website as a place where women can have a soft place to land. Life can be so busy and stressful. The world is in great flux and concerns abound. Here you will find solace in realizing that you are important, your feelings are valid and that You Are Enough exactly as you are.

I hope you find something in my blog posts that illuminates for you that You are the Light of your own Life. My aim is to provide you with some useful tips and insights that may make your life just a little bit brighter. Know that your beauty shines from within.

What Life or Love Topics
are on your mind?

I’d love to hear from you!  Do you have any suggestions for an upcoming blog post?
Would you like to offer any feedback?

I appreciate your interest and engagement. Together, we will uplift ourselves and other women to step into our power and greatness.

Photo attribution:  FineShine (author)/