Blog Post #1

Ten Strategies for Coping in Precarious Times

The world is always in flux, but there are times that may feel more uncertain for us. During these times, it is perfectly natural to feel uneasy and worried about the future.

In 2025, in North America, many people are worried, to the point that they are losing sleep or losing their appetite. It is not good for our mental and physical health for these symptoms to last for sustained periods. Others are feeling angry or frustrated. When these feelings are intense, they can raise our blood pressure.

When we are feeling upset about what’s going on in the world, how can we keep our stress levels in check? Here are ten strategies we can use to help us cope when living in uncertain times:

  1. We can talk it out. We can share our concerns with our spouse, parents, siblings, or good friends. Our loved ones will listen to us and may even feel the same way we do. We are not alone. We don’t have to isolate ourselves with our thoughts. Even just talking with a friend, family member or other human you care deeply about provides us with the social connection that is vital to our well-being. An enjoyable conversation can uplift us.
  2. We can understand that nothing stays the same. What’s happening one day may just last that one day. The next day may usher in completely different events. What’s the point of worrying if things may change tomorrow? We can always choose to be calm and take a breath. We then can put any new developments into perspective and not jump to conclusions that may never happen.
  3. We can listen to leading authorities who have expertise with the issue that concerns us. When we understand more about a situation, we can lessen our fears about the unknown. Others with more knowledge than us can help us make better sense of things and replace our confusion with clarity.
  4. We can get involved and take a stand against something if we are so inclined to do so. Being with others who feel the same way we do is both comforting and invigorating. There is power in numbers and protesting is often successful in changing the world – sometimes it’s the key element that prompts change. And we can vote (a right that women before us fought long and hard to obtain).
  5. We can limit the amount of “news” we consume in each given day. We are not obligated to be glued to the news cycle 24/7 just because it is available to us. This is true whether we get our news off of social media sites or watch it on television. Not only is it information overload, but it is a surefire way to keep us on edge. That is not where we want or need to be.
  6. We can move our body. Exercise produces endorphins which provide us with happy feelings. When we are exercising or participating in a sport, we are unable to dwell on the concerns we have in life. We are focused on the exercise or sports activity that demands our attention. Our stress levels drop and a refresh occurs that clears our mind and energizes our body. Even a brief brisk walk outdoors can be enough to reset our feelings to a manageable level. When I was working full-time in an office environment and was dealing with some unpleasant problem that was really bothering me, I made it a point to go to the gym after work. The workout I did never failed to ease my worries and give me a more hopeful perspective. It was fun, too! Sometimes, I had a golf game planned for after work and I forgot about any troubles I was dealing with while I was on the course. I wonder if this is one reason golf is so popular! And we can’t forget that one of the most fun ways to exercise is to dance. It is hard not to smile when dancing. Music that gets us up on our feet is so joyful and uplifting. So, feel free to get your groove on when you’re feeling upset about world events and you want to snap out of your negative mood. You’ll thank yourself later.
  7. We can seek out activities that entertain us or provide us solace. It can be as simple as going to the movies, reading an engrossing novel by an author we love or listening to music. Devoted fans of the comedy series Schitt’s Creek say they rewatch the series especially at times when they are feeling sad or just want to take a break from what may be going on in the world. I am sure there are many different TV shows that work their magic in the same way for multitudes of people. Why not enjoy a cup of tea, perhaps, while being curled up on the sofa with your favourite comfy throw? You deserve it. If you have a fulfilling hobby – anything from crocheting to painting and everything in-between – you can decide to make time to indulge in your passion and whisk yourself off to a state of bliss. And pet owners know the soothing joy of spending quality time with their pet. We can fill our free time with things that make us happy. We can do this!
  8. If you are of a religious faith, you can pray and gather at your place of worship with others. If you are not religious, you can ponder and be in awe of the interconnectedness of all humans. These activities provide us comfort and peace.
  9. We can check in on another person. Perhaps we have an elderly relative or a young person in our life that may be lonely or going through a challenging time. When we reach out to provide words of encouragement or support to others, we fill up our hearts with empathy and are able to put our own concerns on the back burner for a while. And maybe, just maybe, we might discover that those concerns can stay on the back burner until they are completely forgotten.
  10. We can ensure that we find something everyday that makes us laugh out loud. Prolonged belly laughing to the point of crying is recommended. It’s been said that laughter is the best medicine. Many studies have shown that there’s multiple health benefits to laughter, not the least of which is tighter abs. 😊

These are just some coping mechanisms that I have found helpful when I want to stop dwelling on and worrying about future unknown events. We have the ability to manage our stress levels in precarious times. While we may have concerns about the state of the world at any given point in our life, we can remind ourselves to celebrate the joy of each new day.

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Photo attribution:
FineShine (author)/