Look at You! Brimming with Self-Confidence
One of the most attractive qualities of any person is their self-confidence. How someone carries themself and the confident aura they project can turn heads and leave onlookers in awe. Having self-confidence is something every woman can possess. It has nothing to do with a person’s physical appearance. It is a magic all of its own.
The self-confidence I’m talking about has no resemblance to vanity or having a sense of superiority. It is not being conceited or self-absorbed. And it is certainly not being narcissistic. It is the simple outward expression of knowing one is worthy. It is being comfortable in one’s own skin. What a sumptuous feeling! This feeling is available to all of us.
I remember a time when I was at a co-worker’s house at a gathering she held one evening for her colleagues. Two new people arrived to join the party. It was a young woman accompanied by a young man. The woman was completely compelling. She simply radiated self-confidence with humility. Everyone was drawn to her. It was amazing to behold. I found out that her profession was acting. I was not surprised. She exuded a kind of star power. It was not her looks that captivated the room, but her dynamic and warm energy. When we’re self-confident, our natural charisma can flourish.
Another time I was in a conversation with someone who said to me, “are you aware of the impact you have on other people?” I, actually, had never really considered that I had an impact on other people. Well, the truth is that we all have an impact on the people we interact with in our lives. Often, we’re not aware of our impact. Many of those people may think about you as they go about their daily lives, perhaps because of something you said to them that was significant to them or perhaps just because of your warm personality and they appreciated being in your presence for those moments. We often hear that if we say a kind word to a stranger it may make their day or may be just the thing they needed to hear at that moment to accept that they are important in this world. This is so incredibly true. We impact others in ways we don’t often realize.
We wouldn’t necessarily want or need to aspire to the level of confidence displayed by the actor I met that captured the attention of the entire room, but we certainly can exude confidence just from being our authentic self. The knowing and loving of oneself provides us the foundation to be self-confident.
Each one of us is wholly worthy to be a confident individual. I know this to be true because of two basic facts: we are born good, tiny (most of us ) and sweet and each of us is unique on this planet Earth. Isn’t that enough to know we are special? To know we are deserving. To love ourselves deep inside. The little baby you were had its whole future ahead to be loved and to be happy. How innocent you were. How lovable. You were worthy simply for being a soul born into this world. My mother told me she felt like a million dollars when I was born (probably worth a billion in today’s dollars!). I’m here to say you are still that precious human that deserves to value herself as much as you would value a rare and sparkling 50 carat diamond. No matter what you’ve been told in your life, by perhaps unfit parents, so-called friends, jealous siblings or any other person who has encountered you, you are a worthy and beautiful human being deserving of love and happiness.
If you believe you are a good person, I am sure that you are. You can take this belief and really nurture it until you are filled with the knowledge that you are good and pretty darn lovable. Take the time to think back to when you were a young child and how you were just learning numbers and colours and the names of different animals. Weren’t you an important young human with potential yet to be discovered? Yes, you were. That is not debatable. Remember you are a good person. You know that there are people who love you – family members, good friends, kind colleagues, classmates, teammates. Well, they love you because you are kind, caring, and good. You deserve their love. You are worthy.
So, once you believe deeply in your own inherent worth as a good human being, you can hold your head up high and exude the self-confidence that is yours to embrace. Even if you are not used to feeling truly worthy, you can start feeling worthy today and then feel it again tomorrow and then again the next day and ongoing because now you believe in yourself. It is your birthright to believe in yourself. Claim this as your right and feel your self-confidence grow.
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Photo attribution:
FineShine (author)/