Debra at Caribbean Elements Restaurant IMG_2143
Writer Photo by Warren Barbour

About Debra

Debra has always loved to write. When she was a child, she won an essay contest put on by the local children’s television show in North Bay, Ontario. The subject:  who is your favourite teacher? At the conclusion of the contest, the TV show host told the viewing audience that so many teachers had been nominated and proceeded to name names. Well, Debra’s teacher’s name wasn’t read out, so she held her breath until the winner of the contest was finally revealed. The host announced the winner and commented that Debra wrote two full foolscaps to express her admiration for her teacher. Ha! And so, it began.

Her writing skills have been praised over the years by various individuals, including by a renowned CEO who remarked to her that he rarely came across writing of her engaging style and impact.

An honours graduate of Algonquin College’s Broadcasting – Radio and Television program in Ottawa, Debra freelanced in television production and for an animation studio before joining Canada’s public service as a Senior Policy Officer for the Department of Canadian Heritage. Debra administered tax credits, alongside the Canada Revenue Agency, for the Canadian film and video production industry. Her responsibilities included drafting government correspondence for the Directorate, chairing the organization’s Compliance Committee and conducting seminars across the country to inform producers about the Government’s two tax credit programs.

A regular contributor of commentary on Facebook, Debra began to feel that she had more to say – more to offer – than only writing on that social media site. Specifically, she wanted to use her voice to offer encouragement to women in their everyday lives. So, in 2025, she launched this website as the vehicle to share her blog posts. She also enthusiastically welcomes the engagement of women who wish to offer feedback or ideas for blog topics that should be addressed to help more women. (To connect, just click on the Get in Touch button below.) 

Debra believes in the grace and power of women and wants to help lift women up to fulfill their potential. Her blog on this website is designed to encourage women to be the best and happiest they can be. She shares anecdotes of lessons she has learned in life as well as inspirational ideas to help other women on their path in life. Her hope is that her words may provide some comfort and support to women at times when they may need a little cheering up and cheering on.

Debra’s intent for her writing is to express to each woman that:  You are the Light of your own Life.

What Life or Love Topics
are on your mind?

I’d love to hear from you!
Do you have any suggestions for an upcoming blog post? Would you like to offer any feedback?

I appreciate your interest and engagement. Together, we will uplift ourselves and other women to step into our power and greatness.

Photo attribution:
FineShine (author)/